Some customers may have trouble finding Tandym during checkout. This is typically due to one of a few reasons.
- You are outside the United States (or using a VPN located outside the United States). Tandym is only available for use in the United States. If you are using a VPN, please temporarily disconnect your VPN.
- You are purchasing a subscription. Tandym can't be used to purchase subscriptions, so you'll need to replace the subscription variant of the item with a one-time variant in order to use Tandym and earn points.
- You have been redirected by Shop Pay. Shop Pay is an express checkout solution found on merchant sites hosted by Shopify. Some customers will be redirected by Shop Pay and won't see Tandym as an option at checkout (see below for an example). To resolve this issue, scroll to the bottom and select either "Alternative Payment Methods" or "Checkout as Guest". You'll be directed through the checkout flow that includes all payment methods where you can find Tandym on the final Payment selection screen.